
Club can’t handle me



在宿舍的幾個朋友,在自己的國家都是每天泡在圖書館從早到晚念書,為求學業成績能夠保持全班前五之類的名次(因為找工作跟畢業名次很有關係);課餘時間跑去打工賺錢,是因為通常大家都搬出原生家庭到外面租屋,吃自己用自己。幾乎沒有什麼生活娛樂。但是到了法國參加ERASMUS,請記得這個萬惡的縮寫,這七個字代表著輕鬆的學習,大量的假期與永無止盡的派對/clubbing和隨之而來的宿醉。記得有一段時間Jose得臉書狀態就是「ERASMUS=hang over」然後大家都在下面推讚。

來解釋一下ERASMUS學生生活的規律吧!一旦明天早上沒有課,大部分學生都會選擇go out一下,意味著晚上八點吃完晚餐之後在廚房繼續留著聊天到九點半,大家回房稍微整理一下臉書狀態、跟女朋友skype或是趕一下報告,半夜十一點集合,從冰箱拿出自己買的啤酒存貨開始喝,然後十一點半上公車到市區的酒吧喝。比較誇張的是會拿出紅白酒喝,但他們都很遵照一個原則就是:啤酒與紅酒不可混!因為是學生的關係,所以大家會偏向在家裡喝多一點,酒吧的酒500ml就要5歐,這樣的價錢真是貴雙雙。


喝酒是為了要讓下一步─clubbing更加chill out,所以在走向club的時候有時候會向路邊小販買啤酒繼續喝。通常club外面都有保鑣確認你是沒有醉、沒有攜帶酒精飲料的狀況下才會讓你進入室內,不然就乖乖地在外面把酒喝完。進入club的費用在法國超貴,通常是12-15歐(480-600NTD),附一杯飲料。

大約一點多進入club開始獵豔(就男性而言是如此啦...女生去club有很多都是只想跳舞的(認真貌)!)這時候大夥通常都會分開行動,兩個比較好的會一起走互相當彼此的wing man(如果很難想像的話就類似HIMYM的Barney與Ted)。半夜四點通常該得手的就跟人家回家了,不然大家就會乖乖地跳上末班的夜間公車回家睡覺(有時候會不死心的等到第一班公車,大概是五點半吧)。Keke在剛到里昂時常常被這些醉漢給嚇醒,因為我們睡在距離大門比較近的位子,所以他們回家亂鬧的時候都會被吵到。一開始很不習慣,但到後來已經成為常態了=口="


所以我們可以發現外國的宅男/腐女人數少很多,因為大家習慣night out去認識新朋友/炮友,如果要合理化解釋,這種類似的活動是社交場合啊!就跟你跟朋友約出去逛街或吃飯一樣,或者是參加同學辦的聯誼會,就是要增加男女之間認識的機會嘛!

在這樣的前提下,大家night out通常都會盛裝打扮,我之前說過,男生就是襯衫配皮鞋,女生是鎖骨、事業線是基本款,裙子不可以低過膝蓋,剩下的自己發揮。但是有一項衣著重點:不要穿太多!我會建議男生穿一件襯衫配一件夠保暖禦寒的外套或pull-over即可,因為clubbing大家都黏在一起,熱都快熱死。還有不要傻傻的整個錢包都帶出門,club不是展現台灣經濟實力的好時機。帶張學生證或護照影本、一點現金和宿舍地址就可以出門了。

你或許有疑問?在clubbing要怎麼認識對方啊?答案是因為club的音樂都超大聲,想要講話時必須要口耳交接,挖靠,第一次接觸就可以如此近距離啊!像我這種正人君子或是只敢在嘴巴說說的,通常就是講講話就說掰掰!因為我不喜歡這種地方的人,對我來說太複雜了 XD。但是女生通常會希望比較有異性吸引力的男生採取主動的態度(這邊不代表女生說話),有時候主動摟摟腰也不會太在意。(我觀察到的現象啦!)

另外這也可以解釋國外有很多當紅歌曲,是在這種場喝播放讓大家跳舞解悶的。國外歌手很多就算連抒情歌都要找DJ來做remix也是這個原因。還有那種舞曲大合輯始終在排行榜佔有一定地位也是原因。好的DJ有時候會穿插幾首Pop歌曲讓大家大吼大叫,Black Eye Peas的I gotta feeling,Katty Perry的Firework以及之前很紅的Lady Gaga都是選項之一。然後他們會帶動現場氣分,某些老招例如「台中的朋友請舉起手來~」替換成「說西班牙話的朋友請大叫」很好用,大家都很好拐。

所以通常隔天的早上事權宿舍最安靜的時候。因為大家都在睡覺哈哈!一直到下午兩點多會有第一批人出現,到廚房喝水,因為宿醉的最好解藥是灌下大量的水。這時候不要理他們因為他們也在頭痛,只想躺在床上休息。重點是晚餐時間,是每次night out的檢討大會,討論昨天大家的業績如何。以及今天晚上要不要再出去的提議。

這種clubbing有時候如果打上主題,會讓大家更有新鮮感,例如萬聖節大家都要扮鬼,感恩節就要辦火雞之類的;但是遇到那種節慶沙漠,又要想點新點子來讓大家玩,通常會利用食物來吸引群眾,例如棒棒糖趴、可麗餅趴之類的,Free food=people,這是黃金規則。



Report to the exchange

Dear all, I’ve finished the report to the exchange life, mainly for some obligations of the school. Anyway, I uploaded all pages here in PNG format, don’t be curious if you seen your face on the Internet someday. By the way, I am so proud of my typology skill ;) 下面的圖片是我繳交的生活報告書,屬於政大交換學生應盡的義務之一,下面貼的是PNG格式,如果在網路上找到你的臉不要太驚訝 ;)

P1P2 P3 P4 P5 P6



之前網路上曾經風靡一時的「台灣人眼中的世界地圖」總是惹得我們哈哈大笑,大部分台灣人對於歐洲的印象就是個成天只會喝下午茶,大家用不著上班的地方;我把這張地圖翻譯給西班牙人Jose聽的時候,他變得很好奇大家對於西班牙人的印象如何,只可惜這張地圖沒有把歐洲國家寫的更詳細一點(或者是台灣人對於歐洲各國人的印象很模糊吧),我對他說,西班牙如果直接按照字面翻譯,三個中文字分別代表(西方West、班級Class以及牙齒Tooth),但三個字拼在一起時大家才懂你在說的是一個國家。我們心目中得西班牙人就是成天鬥牛要不就是蒙面正義勇士拿著西洋劍在人家褲子上畫著Z字的那些人吧!你們的好朋友是葡萄牙(Tooth of grape)。

0 台灣人眼中的世界地圖

Jose說No,No,No,西班牙人一點都不喜歡葡萄牙,因為葡萄牙很窮,西班牙人一點都不喜歡這個鄰居,他們語言也沒有很相通。而且歐洲人也不是成天喝下午茶,他們需要工作的!Jose解釋之後其實我對於西─葡的關係感到更為模糊,其實在下我對於西班牙的印象是他們曾經在15或16世紀很強,曾經佔領過台灣。但是後來不知道為什麼原因就在世界舞台上消失了,連小時候背的「俄德法美日澳義英」都沒有西班牙... (按:是因為西班牙內戰的關係)




  • 北歐(瑞典、挪威)─人都不怕冷,女生都是金髮正妹,而且很開放。
  • 法國─糟糕的駕駛一堆,路上闖禍的八成是法國人。會找各種理由放假。
  • 捷克─便宜的啤酒。
  • 土耳其─德國一堆Kebap都是這些人帶來的。
  • 英國─女生都不怕冷,在寒冬中還只穿細肩帶和不穿鞋,因為他們醉了...


A:Where are you come from?

B: I am from Slovakia.

A: Okay….


nEO_IMG_P1112922 布達佩斯博現代博物館展出的「台灣響起」特展






第一天晚上Flora抵達里昂,我們跟台灣同學一起吃麻辣鍋,並且臨時起意的玩起了AIESEC的beer game,一切都很美好,一直到第二天晚上,我們前往位於Fouviere的聖母院山上,從山上觀看整個燈火通明的里昂市區給我們許多美好的回憶,想說既然觀看完整體環境之後,就要到市中心走走。聽說Pony有從山上走到山下的經驗,所以我們就打算照他的路線走,在山上稍微找了一下路之後就開始往市中心前進。


約莫兩分鐘後,我們看到窗台上坐著兩個青少年,身旁有三罐Jack Daniels’s 的Whisky,想說不要招惹是非,我們便靠著邊邊,遠離他們。但是他們忽然跳下窗台來,擋住我們的路。

"Give me your phone!"


堵住Flora的少年此時伸手向Flora的包包搶去,Flora大叫"高銘佳",我一回頭便趕緊把包包搶回來,那兩位青少年似乎沒有意識到我們會有反抗的行為,稍微愣了一下。我趕緊叫"Flora快跑!" 因為我意識到自己根本沒有辦法保護她,情況反而會更糟糕。她也很機靈的往山下跑去,就剩下我和兩個青少年在原地。






就這樣,我和Flora默落的走向人群,剛剛那半小時的事情讓我們挑戰了人生驚恐的最大限度,我們都需要一點酒精的慰藉。我打給buddy,Benjamin,問他我該如何是好,結果答案依舊是一樣,沒有財物損失報警也沒用。我們默默地走向Vioux Lyon的市區,街上滿滿的都是為了看燈火節而興奮的人群。我們很害怕再走向沒有人的地方,寧可待在人潮聚集之處,但也不願意他們靠我們太近




11點,我們回到宿舍,Mexican party仍在進行,大家都知道了這件事情,尤其是聽到了我拿破酒瓶反抗的行動之後紛紛向我致敬。我感到精神異常的疲憊,只想要暫時忘記這樣的鳥事。Toby跟我說,下次如果他們要東西就直接給他們,因為我們不像Mathias或者是其他人一樣壯碩高大,如果反抗不成功只有被揍得份。此外那兩個青少年沒有拿刀拿槍,就是因為如果警察來,他們可以用"我們在玩"做藉口。

所以Mexica night那天我玩得很兇,跟我在Galion認識的朋友度過了最美好的夜晚,但心中始終有個陰影,一直到我在前往Amsterdam的路上,那30分鐘的廠景始終在我腦中重播,然後有無數的"假如"上演著。假如他們有刀,假如我跑不掉……





D36 Last night

1/16 Sunny

I’ve always avoided to think about my last night in Paris, coz tonight is also the last night in Europe, too. I stayed on the hotel bed, felt a little sleepy but wouldn’t make myself fell asleep, I want to enjoy this moment, for the last time, at least in the following 5 to 6 years I don’t have plan to visit here again. I’ve forgot to write about what happened Milan and the first 4 days of Paris tour, but would find sometimg to finish my blog, I promise.

P1163636 Metro sign

Thanks to Facebook, the separation of us is just geographical, but in conceptual, we can still talk or share stuffs together through the Internet. To find a friend seems not that hard, but keeep in long relationship is still a long way to go. I found that sometimes I like to travel alone, but more often times when I walked in the lonely street, taking meaningless photos, I always think about our roadtrip, our late summer trip to Nice or even went Lyon center for a beer; I miss guys in Lyon indeed.


I was lucky that the weather these days in Paris was fantastic! It’s plus 10 degree and no clouds in the sky, just bright sun shines. People in Paris went crazy for the yearly winter sale, almost everyone carried 2 to 3 shopping bags on the streets, this is not the normal Paris we’d seen.


We had a nice feast in a country restaurant, with former AIESEC LCP 黃觀, we also studied in the same dept in the same U. It’s nice to see her here, with a half local, walking on the streets of hotel de ville, searching for a place to sip an expresso, that’s what people usually do.


I guess it’s about time to wake up from a long long dream. It began in June and ended in January, tomorrow evening I will take the airplane home, to Amsterdam, Hong Kong and then home. It’s 1:53, I got to sleep ;)

Have a sweet dream!


D29&30 Back to basic

1/10,11 Cloudy, cold but yet snow

I stayed in Budapest for 3 nights, the hostel was great with friendly staffs and good location, next to the main metro station and easily to find. There was one guy or lady I ain’t 100% sure, a dude with pony tail but I could see the adam’s apple, was quite funny. It was a 8 beds dormitory, while I checked in at 11 o’clock, the dude was sleeping deeply. I wonder he’s got a hangover or something, since I saw some wine bottle next to his bed. Then I dressed up then went out for some fun. After the sunset, I came back to hostel, I saw the dude still sleeping, until I got to bed at 1am. That was nothing, the next morning, I went out at 9, he’s sleeping still. I wonder this dude is sick or something wrong with him, then all of a sudden he woke up, had a cigratte then went to bed again. The next 2 nights same thing happened again and again. Conclusion: This dude paid hostel in Budapest for 4 nights but the only thing he did in the city was sleeping and smoke. Nice! I appreciate his attitude!

nEO_IMG_P1092625 The little princess

The most famous and attractive thing to me in the city was its food! Goulash! the soup made of beef, onions, vegetables, spices and ground paprika powder, that I had almost everyday. I even bought 2 recipes and 2 cans of well-made goulash for taking them back to Taiwan. Until the last moment while I was waiting for flight to Milan, I had goulash as well :P

nEO_IMG_P1092611 Goulash day1

nEO_IMG_P1102820 Goulash day2

nEO_IMG_P1112885 Noodle meat soup for day3

Talking about the other tourist stuff, I was quite impressed by the ability of recovery of hungarian people. The war almost destroyed everything, the opera, the palace, the parliment or any big or small significant buildings in the city. But you can see the city’s healed and show its uniqle beauty to people all over the world. In comparison to Prague, Budapest wasn’t that lucky.

nEO_IMG_P1112906 Hero square

There are statues scattered in the city, you can see statues in almost every corner. That was fun, you have more surprises and stories when you lingered in the beautiful buildings. Or they played important roles when you got lost.

nEO_IMG_P1102856 Statue of officer

nEO_IMG_P1112970 Annonymous writer

I played safe during the nights in Budapest, I means, almost after every sunset I choose to go back to warm hostel, browsing Internet or streaming some videos in the kitchen, or even lay on my bed, just wrote some article. Technically I didn’t have  night life in Budapest.

nEO_IMG_P1113065 Night

nEO_IMG_P1113073 Chain bridge and the palace

I was a little bit tired of traveling all around, and didn’t find the right company to the bars, either. The brazillian guy slept next to me had serious stink foot problem, I would want to talk to him, coz he stinks :/ I don’t know, I’d prefer enjoy my personal mement, taking pictures, rambling on the streets, having good stuffs or foods, sometimes skype with my parents or friends would be enough.

nEO_IMG_P1112995 The bathhouse

At the moment, I am tired of SURFACE friends, I’d prefer closer or intimate friendship, rather than facebook friend.

nEO_IMG_P1102708 Parliment

All in all, I like the city quite a lot. It’s a city with cheap and delicious food, spetacular buildings and tons of hidden secrets. Budapest would be on my top 10 list of fav cities.

nEO_IMG_P1102851 Liberty bridge

nEO_IMG_P1113015 Central market

nEO_IMG_P1113021 Little princess


D28 Whatulookinat?

1/9 Cloudy, foggy
Istanbul, Budapestbudapest

After the Lyon inccident, I always stay in high cautious when I walked alone on the street or after the sunset. I don’t feel like to face that kind of situation again in my life ever! Right now I carry a knife with me in any cases. But sometimes I got frightened when somebody closes to me, maybe just ask me to take photos for them, maybe ask for time or even ask for direction. Especially when teenager guys stronger than me, I felt like they might be a potential threat.


But things is not as well as I expect. You know, during the journey, I always try to keep the good memories.

I had to catch a morning flight from Istanbul to Budapest, which means I had to get out of house before the sunrise. It was still dark at 7am, I grabbed my luggage and went to the Taxi station, asked the driver took me to the bus station. Deniz told me the taxi fee would be 5 to 7 liras, and I had only 20 liras in my wallet, nothing more.(The bus ticket is 13 lira) The damn taxi driver took some loop to somewhere I don’t really know, then I had to pay 9 liras for taxi fee.

I realized that I am running out of liras, I couldnt even take the bus. So I had to withdraw money in ATM machine. The bus was 7:30, after I put my luggage in the storage was 7:20, I got 10 minutes left to the bank. It was like 200 meters away.

Anyhow, I need to catch my flight, so that I took my wallet with me, went for the ATM. When I almost done with the withdrawing, there were 2 guys seemed like drunk, looked at me with greedy eyes. I knew something might happened, so tried not to have eye contact with him.

But the guys kept looked at me with strange face expression, I was nervous, but pretend that I am Okay. I gave them a gaze and then kept waiting for the bill. The guys passed me but one of them tried to walk back, and he kept looking my wallet. Then there were the other guys and girls walked in the opposite direction, so he gave up. I knew that he tried to robbed my wallet, I got only 10 liras and a few coins inside, almost nothing left to lose, I could fight with him, but I needed to catch my bus desperately!

Finally nothing happened. I made it to catch the flight. Great! I thought that I could have something good in Budapest!

It wasn’t the best when I first talked to the people here. The custom officer checked my passport for 10 minutes, then asked me to take a seat.

nEO_IMG_P1102856 the bronze officer

I knew anything might happened when the custom officer asked you to take a seat. I waited for 20 minutes and then he came to me,

We need to check out your passport, because I don’t know what’s that sticker for.

It was the OFII sticker made the custom became suspicious about me. The officers gathered together and discussed about my visa for 10 minutes. I prepared a voice recorder in my pocket, just in case. So I recorded everything they said.

The result went out to be alright, I could travel back to European Union again! But this situation made me rethink my ability to deal with crisis. I always think of the worst situation, like at least I can buy an expensive ticket to France, re-enter European Union country again. I never expect this stuff could happen to me, actually nobody did. I claimed that I have the resident right to live in France, in the name of the little yellow sticker.

9 of January, the 29th day of my travel, bad things happened, please never make it happen again!

D26& 27 He istanbul

1/7,8 Sunny, the sun shined bright!!!

Deniz became the most lovable Turkish guy in the world. He found me a place to stay, fed me with traditional food, took me to where only locals will be and he joked a lot. Deniz, he istanbul. The city always made me feel complicated but adorable, the ancient ruins, the religious muslim and some leftover of royal European pride, I love the city after Deniz’s re-introduction.

While I stayed in Cagatay’s home, I wonder if I should spend more than one day in Istanbul, the reason is that I’ve visited the city already back in 2006, at that time, Brian and I visited almost every important attractions in Istanbul, the blue mosque, the Aya sophia mosque, the topika palace or the new palace by the seaside. “There’s nothing new that I can see.” I thought in my mind, but I’d like to visit Deniz and other friends so that kept the original plan to stay for 2 days. I’m glad that I did.

nEO_IMG_P1082598 Dinner at Deniz’s

I arrived in the late evening, we could barely do nothing but went out for a drink. I found that it’s quite refresh to see the city again, especially from a local’s perspective. Deniz took me to the old prostitude street, and the modern bar street. We hanged around Taksim, sneaking every little paths until I could recognize where we had been.

Deniz: The turks never think Mussle(French: moule) is a big deal. We have this stuff from a street vendor, who would spend 20 euros to eat the thing in restaurant?

I laughed after his claim, that’s true! Turkish vendors stuffed mussles with rice and spice, boiled them as a snack. 1 mussle with rice cost even less than 1 lira sometimes. And the kebap are everywhere, with different flavor.

Deniz: It’s kind of weird, the best Kebap I ever had was not in Turkey. I guess that’s because of the cost. In Turkey, kebap is a cheap food, so they use less meat to fill the bread; but in Europe, you pay 4 euros for a kebap: they use much more meat. But! The meat flavor in Turkey is much better!

nEO_IMG_P1082517 People fished on the bridge

The other morning, I woke Deniz up and asked him take me the visit the city, that’s the only whole day I would spend in the city. I wanted something different. We went to the vintage market, where only locals went there to buy some antique furnitures.

nEO_IMG_P1082491 Old time porn photos

That was funny to retro the old time Istanbul. We saw many things that you could not even imagine how to use them. And many antique stuff I liked a lot but incapable to bring them back. I took some photos in a shop, then the owner came to me, he said:

You should ask for my permission before you take photos, right?

I was sorry and never expect someone would got angry like that. I apologized to him and asked Deniz to get out of the shop. I think the owners of antique shops are some kind of weird in some ways.

nEO_IMG_P1082534 Nice place! Good food!

Then Deniz took me to a hidden restaurant, they served the best food in Istanbul I guess. The restaurant is located in the first flood of spice market, the entrance is easily to pass by, and you’ll never expect there would be a fancy restaurant. Yes, only the locals or some clever tourist knew the place.

nEO_IMG_P1082530 My dish, lamb leg with rice.

We had a wonderful meal, and I almost forget my homestay brother is still waiting for me :/ For 2 hours!!

nEO_IMG_P1082561 Finally!

Tolga was the homestay brother back in 2006. I stayed in his home for 1 month, and almost spoke to each other by Google translator that time. We were close to each other, and he shared his romance to me LOL. His former girl friend was a chubby girl and his mother didn’t like the girl, but he loved her a lot!! That became a problem so the mother-son fighting occassionally happened.

nEO_IMG_P1082566 Blue mosque.

His chubby ex was good at jealousy. The other day Tolga made me look his photos with every ex, and he siad that he’s gonna burn them coz the girl friend would be mad if she had seen the photos. I was confused and felt sorry for him, I said:

These photos are YOUR memories, please do not burn them. I will bring them back to Taiwan until the day you felt like to see these photos.

Right now, my homestay brother, got married 3 months ago, with the other girl. I don’t know if he remembered the photo stuffs or not. I ain’t ask him for returning the photos, it’s too hard to explain in Google translator actually, especially we use the mobile version.

nEO_IMG_P1082570 Night

Tolga left me and went to his wife after 4 hours of Google translator talking. And I was waiting for Esra to call me after her exam. It turned out that she had no time to call me so that I returned to home. And decided to make something for Deniz and his cousins, in order to feedback the accommodation.

nEO_IMG_P1082588 Egg-fried rice!

I made a simple Japanese-Chinese dish, we don’t even have a proper translation for this home-made dish. Directly translate will be “Fried rice covered by egg”. The recipe is simple, just friend the rice then make an egg omlette to cover the rice completely.

nEO_IMG_P1082592 Together with Nejat and his friend

Anyway, the Saturday night dinner was funny, and I expect they would like my dish, who wouldn’t like friend ketch-up rice with eggs?


D23, 24, 25 Looking for something dumb to do

1/4,5,6 Cold

My relaxation tour in Turkey went on a climax in Ankara, to be exact, in Cagatay’s home. Beer, nuts and trash movie filled out one whole day, thanks to Ebru, we spent one day visiting the city, but that would be far enough. Ankara is not a city for tourist, but my friends, Cagatay and Ebru made the city meaningful and relaxing.

nEO_IMG_P1042402 Let’s hang out in Muslim bars

nEO_IMG_P1052417 Ankara castle, 1000 years old

nEO_IMG_P1062465 the night view from Cagatay’s home

We spent one dinner together, me, Cagatay and Ebru went to a modern restaurant in new city center of Ankara. I’ve been waiting this since the beginning of my travel. Ebru promised me if I were in Ankara, she would take me to a nice restaurant and drink raki together. I thought the place will be eating grill lamb next to camp fire in a cave and belly dancers surrounded us for tips; but it wasn’t. The restaurant named “EGE” means the best part of Turkey; and we had seafood in Anakara, a city far away from the sea.

nEO_IMG_P1052448  I like the decoration.

During the meal, we talked mainly about marriage. Both of my friends are 28 or 29 years old, at the end of 20-s especially for girls, the pressure (they give themselves) became fatal. I don’t know if Ebru’s drunk or not, she said she’s gonna marry in 3 or 4 monthes, I said that “Then you gotta find someone to marry!”

 nEO_IMG_P1052437 Ebru, a desperated girl

Then the topic turned into jobs. Ebru is not happy with her current job, she did the same thing everyday, every week, the only thing changed in her job is the location: she has to move to a new office every month. I guess the pay is satisfied so that she wouldn’t quit this job anyway ;P

What kind of job will you do?
Option 1: Working 29 days a month unhappily, the only day you feel happy is the paying day.
Option 2: Working 29 days a month with happy mood, the only day you feel unsatisfied is the paying day.

Cagatay also didnt like is former job, either. So he quitted the job and went for exchange, tried to find a way to improve himself. Now the former company called him back but he’s gonna refuse them.

Ming will hopefully graduate in June and begin job hunting in March. He had refused by JnJ already but still try to find a job in big names. Right now he’s kind of interested in working in trade show or exhibition company.

nEO_IMG_P1062467 Cagatay and his brother

To be honest, I did nothing special in Ankara, but I feel like to hang out will my friends, like Cagatay, we talked a lot in those 3 days, and I found myself meet a wonderful person. My first impression of him was a serious student but he got his own way to live. I decided to make friend with him right after I saw him, I am glad I did ;P

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