i wondered for a while and walk with her to have a petit adventure.
The weather was raining but turns sunny afterwards,
Ecully is a small town near the city Lyon,
but it got everything a resident need, so it’s fine for people live here.
The church was the most prestigious building downtown,
and the main commercial activities happened around the church.
We went to a little food shop just for fun,
then we found the famous french dessert “Macaron” was there.
Asked for a taste, they kindly provide the whole piece to us and
we felt like to buy some.
I ate the chocolate flavor before i realize haven’t taking a picture of it,
so the there are berry flavor of Macaron.
It was sure made 100% from real fruit and the taste of is is like heaven,
a little bit of sour and sweet combined together and share the same crispy side.
They put some jam in the macaron so that make the taste last a little longer in mouth.
Then we went to the local supermarket for necessarities.
The most special aisle here was the wine selection.
Even a small market around the corner provide so many kinds of wine selection.
It’s totally different than in Taiwan.
Some of the kids just dismissed from the school and went home with their parents,
i like this small town. and its atmosphere in the air.