
D10 Murano, Burano

12/22 Havily raining all day
Venice, Murano, Buranovenice

We went the 2 islands of Venice today, but it was always raining so that we had to carry umbrella whole day and watch out for the pool on the roads. It was humid and easily get wet. The islands were called Murano, the glass island and Burano, the lace and colorful island; both of them are the must seen spots if you were in Venice for the first time.

Murano, the island of glass was full of glass factories and galleries. It is said that the glass factories were in the main island of Venice and the government considered the hazzard to fire so that they forced the factories moved to the island. Furthermore, the craftmen were skillful so that the government forbid the craftmen immagrate to other places.

nEO_IMG_PC220423 Open glass factory

nEO_IMG_PC220428 Made glass vast

nEO_IMG_PC220441 Glass gallery

Until today, Murano is famous for its craft of glasses. But since there were so many tourists every year, some of the street vendors import China-made glasses in-island and sell them to tourists. Ironically, almost all the Chinese crafts were labelled “Made in Italy” or “Murano Glass”, but the real ones don’t.

nEO_IMG_PC220452 Christmas star, made of glasses

Of course we took the boats to the islands, and the fog, the chilly cold wind and the green-blue sea made the scene like an desert world.

nEO_IMG_PC220471 Lonely sea

But the world is worthy to wait, after we arrive Burano, the lace island, the rain stopped and the world became brighter! Because of the color!

nEO_IMG_PC220479 Colorful houses and the canal

In the past, the fishermen had to fish almost everyday to make a living, but the island was foggy so that the women painted their houses in different, distinguishable colors made it’s easier to recognize their houses.

nEO_IMG_PC220510 Bright colors!

nEO_IMG_PC220543 Adorable ;)

And the women of the fisermen mad laces to make a living, and that became a legacy of articrafts. We spent one or two hours walking on the colorful world, just try not to ruin the joyness of the day. But it started to rain after the went back to the main island of Venice.

nEO_IMG_PC220573 Took a boat

It was 9pm that we left Venice, the adventurous world. It’s so sad that we spent so little time in Venice and wish to come back for sure. From now on, the my journey partner will be Pony only, and I bet we’ll have a great time since our personality is similiar to each other.

nEO_IMG_PC220576 Sleep in the night train

Looking forward to Vienna and Christmas.



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