
Roadtrip: Biarritz

There’s always some unexpected things happened on the road, a magical detour to the mountain road, fastfood everyday, or bumped into a beautiful beach. Biarritz stands for th last one. The reason we went there was word of mouth by Mathi’s parents, they said the seashore was great and we should of take a look at that place. (as far as I remember)

nEO_IMG_IMG_9478 People still lingering on the beach

It was late autumn, the temperature became lower and lower and the chill wind started to invade Lyon, people in Biarritz still lingering on the beach, try to grasp the last summer sunshine here.

We reentered France again, and still miss the people and weather in Barcelona. It’s kind of sick, you can not miss a city too much so that you can have much more fun to explore a new one. But i guess BCN got its charm.

nEO_IMG_IMG_9492 Nice weather

During our visit, we spent the most of the time walking along the seaside and chitchat about nonsense things. It’s the 5th day of the trip, everyone seems a little bit tired but the breezy sea wind woke us up. We tried to find something to eat here, but as all the tourist place, the food is not affordable for poor students.

nEO_IMG_IMG_9549 nEO_IMG_IMG_9493 Sunlight

Kris said that he can spend 2 weeks of his summer here, sleeping until noon and go to the beach in the afternoon. The best of all, is having a little summer affair. Come on, it’s EVERYONE’s dream, OK?

nEO_IMG_P1100325 nEO_IMG_P1100328 Group shot!

We left the sunny days and heading for the winery city, Bordeaux for the rest 3 days of the road trip. Bordeaux was our last stop.



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