
Recipe of Jose: Rum banana!

Jose made a easy dessert tonight,
and it taste great!

“Rum Banana!”
or you can call it “Caramelized banana with rum sauce”

1. Banana 2~3, peal them first and cut’em in half
2. Rum not too much
3. Sugar not too much

1. Heat the pot on the stove, wait until the pot’s heated enough.
2. Put bananas into the pot.
3. The banana’s getting hotter and hotter, then pour sugar and rum separately.
4. The most important part! Turn on the lighter and let the rum burn.
5. It is almost ready when the sugar turns brown with rum
(the caramel), covered the bananas.
6. Done

It is easy to make, the taste of caramel and banana are delicate!
Can put some ice cream aside if you like.

Or, you can find the specific recipe on http://www.epicurious.com/recipes/food/views/Caramelized-Banana-with-Rum-Sauce-107764



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